
Clit Kit

The tool to open a conversation about sex.

Clit Kit

The tool to open a conversation about sex.


Research shows half of the Dutch women are rarely or never satisfied during sex. This is because many men think that penetration alone will get women to their climax. However more than fifty percent of women say they need a different sort of stimulation in order to reach their climax.

             Moreover, three out of four women said they would leave their partner if they are never stratified during sex. In order to experience more orgasms together, communication which is open and playful is said to be key.

van den Brand, A. (2018). Acht wijze lessen van seksuologe Ellen: ‘Het is niet altijd feest’. Retrieved   

from https://www.ad.nl/nieuws/acht-wijze-lessen-van-seksuologe-ellen-het-is-niet-altijd-feest~a4c4338fc/?referrer=https://www.google.com/ on 10th of September 2019

Frederick, D. A., Lever, J., Gillespie, B. J., & Garcia, J. R. (2016). What Keeps Passion Alive?

Sexual Satisfaction Is Associated With Sexual Communication, Mood Setting, Sexual Variety, Oral Sex, Orgasm, and Sex Frequency in a National U.S. Study. The Journal of Sex Research54(2), 186–201.


The Clit Kit is the tool to open this conversation about sex. It is a piece of underwear that helps you to talk about the intimate erogenous zones of your partner or your own. By colouring these zones, to your own preferences, you create a heat map. The colours are a representation of your more and less sensitive zones. By doing this you start the conversation about what you like and dislike during sex.

Throughout the painting by numbers exercise citizens could see and interact with the data about the lack of darkness and at the same time experience the mimicked benefits of darkness. 

"By using the Clit Kit you start the conversation about what you like and dislike during sex."




Photographer: Alice Lucchinelli

Year: 2019

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