
Hiv Vereniging NRC Charity Awards

A PR generating ad.

Hiv Vereniging - NRC Charity Awards

A PR generating ad


Research shows people with HIV, who are successfully treated with hiv inhibitors and therefore have an immeasurable viral load, cannot pass the virus on to others. Even if they have sex without a condom. However the general public does not have this knowledge which results in unnecessary fear regarding stigmas around HIV. 

van den Brandvan Sighem A.I., Boender T.S., Wit F.W.N.M., Smit C., Matser

A., Reiss P. Monitoring Report 2017. Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Infection in the Netherlands. Amsterdam: Stichting HIV Monitoring, 2017. Available online at wwww.hiv-monitoring.nl

HIV, T. L. (2017). U=U taking off in 2017. The Lancet HIV,

4(11), E475.

Earnshaw, Valerie A, Smith, Laramie R, Chaudoir, Stephenie

R, Amico, K. Rivet, & Copenhaver,

Michael M. (2013). HIV Stigma Mechanisms and Well-Being Among PLWH: A Test of the HIV Stigma Framework. AIDS and Behavior, 17(5), 1785-1795.

Florom-Smith, Aubrey L, & De Santis, Joseph P. (2012).

Exploring the Concept of HIV-Related

Stigma. Nursing Forum (Hillsdale), 47(3), 153-165.

sm, and Sex Frequency in a National U.S. Study. The Journal of Sex Research54(2), 186–201.


In coöperation with the NRC Charity Awards and the Hiv Vereniging a PR generating ad has been made which showed the misconceptions about hiv using the symbolism of igniting matches and a strong headline. 


Art direction


Photographer: Alice Lucchinelli

Year: 2019

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